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Year 4

Class Teachers: Miss Wanklin and Mr Garner


Teaching Assistants: Ms Crowther, Ms Ahmed and Mrs Follos

Useful Information for year 4


PE days are a Tuesday (outdoors) and a Thursday (Indoors) Please ensure earrings are removed or covered for PE days and that hair is tied back. 


Homework is set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. 

Homework can include reading, maths, times tables and handwriting.


Termly Overview

Our English Text for Summer is

Look at 4W's amazing Festival Feast 3D Art

4W Golden Circle winner is Nathaniel for being a great friend and showing support for all

Year 4 World Book Day Paper Plate designs. How amazing and creative year 4 are.

Year 4 Sphyro workshop with parents, a great time had by all.

Year 4 enjoyed exploring the sphyro's today.

Year 4 enjoyed a great day at RAF Cosford as part of our World War 2 History

Year 4 celebrating Children's Mental Health Week by creating a Proud Tree to celebrate what we are proud of.

Our English Key Text (Autumn 2)

Christmas Pantomime

Look what we have been doing in Science. We have explored tooth paste and the importance of looking after our teeth. We have used coffee, water, vinegar and coke to see what happens to our teeth with eggs acting as our teeth.

Year 4 planting bulbs for our new gardening project.

Our Golden Circle Children from Last Year!

Our English Text for Autumn 1

Autumn Term 2023

We had the author Chris Connaughton in school. The children enjoyed listening to him perform and tell the story of Firebird. The children then had to retell part of the story of Firebird. Below are some examples from year 4. 

The children also had an opportunity to ask Chris questions about writing books, how he got into writing books and many other great questions.

Year 4 story retelling from performance from Firebird from Chris Connaughton

British Values - We had a visitor come and talk to year 4 about Bristish Values. We talked about what it meant using vocabulary including respect. Children then had to create superheroes and give ideas about super power they could have linked to British Values. Ideas included Rulaa who would help people to know the laws and others with the superpower to boost peoples lives to help them.

Look at the Moving Dragons we made in Year 4 last year!

RE - Remembrance display boards

Useful Links

Click the image below for each website.