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Mental Health and Well Being

Remember, all emotions are ok to feel. It is ok to feel what you need to feel.

Children's Mental Health Week February 2024

4W created a Proud Tree and discussed what we have done to make ourselves feel proud as part of our Children's Mental Health Week.

Talking Mental Health (subtitled)

Talking Mental Health is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health in the classroom and beyond. The animation and accompanying resources have been created by a team of animators, children, teachers and clinicians, and is being taught to year 5 and 6 children around the UK.

Anti-Bullying Week 2023: Make a Noise

Anti-bullying week Monday 13th November 2023

Andy and the Odd Socks - Make A Noise (official video) for Anti-Bullying Week 2023

The official video for Odd Socks Day on Monday 13th November 2023

Odd Sock Day celebrating we are all unique

World Mental Health Day. Lets stand out by wearing something yellow on Tuesday 10th October 2023

Talking Mental Health

Talking Mental Health is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health in the classroom and beyond. The animation and accompanying resources have been created by a team of animators, children, teachers and clinicians.

Support for SAT's stress


Children's Mental Health Week

Monday 6th February till the 12th February 2023

Let's Connect | Children's Mental Health Week 2023 (BSL interpreted)

Human beings thrive in communities, and this connection is vital for our wellbeing, and our survival. When we have healthy connections – to family, friends and others – this can support our mental health and our sense of wellbeing. And when our need for rewarding social connections is not met, we can sometimes feel isolated and lonely – which can have a negative impact on our mental health.

Let's Connect is about making meaningful connections for all, during Children's Mental Health Week - and beyond.

For Children’s Mental Health Week 2023, we’re encouraging people to connect with others in healthy, rewarding, and meaningful ways. Watch the video below to learn more about the theme.

Top Tips for Parents for Children's Mental Health Week

Mental Health Support For Children

Talking Mental Health

Talking Mental Health is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health in the classroom and beyond. The animation and accompanying resources have been created by a team of animators, children, teachers and clinicals.

Support with sleep and relaxation at bedtime

Where can I go for help



Useful websites




Star breathing

Star breathing is a mindfulness technique to help children focus and calm down. 

Children can trace the outline of the star with their eyes or using their finger. As they go along, they breathe in on one line, keep still as they reach the point, and then breathe out as they go down the next line. This continues until they reach back to where they started.


Self sooth box


How to make your own self sooth box

Self sooth box

Make Your Own Self Soothe Box

How to make your own self sooth box

Worry Monster or Worry Box



Mental Health is a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. (World Health Organisation)


Old Church prides itself in its happy atmosphere, in which children are not only encouraged to work hard and play hard, but also to show care and respect to one another, the environment and community they live in. We aim to promote positive mental health for all by using universal whole school approaches and specialised, targeted approaches aimed at vulnerable pupils.

Anti-Bullying Week 2022 .

Anti-Bullying Week 2022 is coordinated in England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. It will take place from 14 to 18 November 2022 and has the theme Reach Out. The week will kick off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 14th November, where adults and children wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique.

Odd socks day

All you need to do is wear odd socks! It's a great way to celebrate what makes us all unique in Anti-Bullying Week! Odd Socks Day is being held on Monday 14th November this year. Odd Socks Day is delivered in partnership with CBeebies and CBBC star Andy Day and his band, Andy and the Odd Socks.

Calling Out (Official Video) | Andy and the Odd Socks | for Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Here is our song for Odd Socks Day and Anti-Bullying Week 2022. Anti-Bullying Week starts with Odd Socks Day on the 14th November This year's theme is 'Reach Out' and we hope you enjoy our song for the Anti-Bullying Alliance. 'Calling Out' is the official song for Odd Socks Day and Anti-Bullying Week 2022 .

Year 5 have been expressing themselves during Anti-bullying week. 

They have created a communal piece of art, with the theme reaching out.


On Monday 10th October we took part in Hello Yellow day to support World Mental Health Day.

We dressed in yellow and enjoyed activities to support our mental health during the day.