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Phase Lead and Class Teacher: Mrs Brittain


Class Teachers: Miss Mathew and Miss Harris

Teacher Apprentice: Miss Nehar


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Bradshaw, Mrs Nicholls, Mrs McCooe and Mrs Potts.


All staff have current Paediatric First Aid certificates. 


  • P.E is every Friday. Children keep their P.E kit in school and this is sent home every half term. 
  • Children change their reading for pleasure books every day. Phonic books are changed every Thursday. Please ensure book bags are sent to school every day. 
  • Please ensure all clothes and belongings are labelled with your child's name. 

What we are learning in Reception 

Reception Treasured Texts 

Look at the fun autumn activities we took part in last year

During the first half term at school, the children have enjoyed a range of different activities. They have been learning about the new school routine, rules and enjoyed exploring their new classroom. They have also been building positive relationships with their new friends and teachers. We have been learning about the books 'The Enormous Turnip', 'Supertato' and 'Stickman'. We have also been learning about the celebration of Diwali. We created mehndi patterns with chalk and enjoyed a Diwali dancing workshop. 


In Autumn 2 the children have been learning about skeletons and labelling the different parts to link with the book 'Funnybones'. The children also created skeleton straw pictures. The children have also been working very hard to write simple sentences linked to the treasured text Owl Babies. We have also had a visit from Nature's Burrow who brought lots of animals to visit us in school including an owl! All of the children enjoyed holding the different animals and learning new information. 



Nature's Burrow came to visit

Look at the fun spring activities we took part in last year

During the spring term 1 we have been learning about the treasured texts 'Handa's Surprise', 'Biscuit Bear' and 'The Three Little Pigs'. The children enjoyed learning about Africa and the different animals which live there. They have used the interactive globe to find our facts about the habitats and the animals. The children also enjoyed tasting different fruit from the story. 


Children have sent in photographs of their homes linked to our treasured text 'The Three Little Pigs'. They enjoyed writing sentences describing their homes. Children have also enjoyed acting out and retelling the story using props. 


During spring 2 we have been learning about the treasured texts 'The Pirate Who Said Please', 'The Little Red Hen' and the Bible story 'Noah's Ark'. 


We have also been learning about how to stay healthy. We have had a visit from the Nurse to talk to us about how to correctly clean our teeth. In the courtyard we have had the Doctor and Dentist role play to act out what we have been learning about. We have also been using a UV lotion on our hands to understand how to correctly wash our hands and why this is so important for us to stay healthy. 


The children have enjoyed making their own bread, some of the children have even made some at home and shared their photographs with us. Children have also taken part in an science experiment with skittles and water to see what would happen when they were mixed together. The children were amazed by the mixing colours and made excellent predictions. 


We have also been learning about the celebration of Easter. We have taken part in an Easter egg hunt and created our own Easter cards. The children have been listening to stories from the Bible and how Christians celebrate Easter. 


This term children have also enjoyed taking part in 'World Book Day' dressing up as their favourite characters. They have also taken part in a school competition to design a character plate.