Year 2
Year 2 staff
Class 2S: Miss Scott,
Class 2B: Mrs Brandon
Miss Humpage (Phase Lead)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Thompson, Mrs Timmins, Miss Nicholls
Y2 Parent handbook
Monday 3rd March-Friday 7th March: World Book Week.
Friday 7th March: Dress up as a book character for World Book Day.
Thursday 6th March: Black Country Museum visit-DT focus.
Friday 14th March: Educational Visit to Tamworth Castle.
Tuesday 8th April: Easter Bonnet Parade.
Useful Information
Home learning club every Monday 3.20pm-4.20pm
- PE is on Wednesday-please tie up long hair and take out earrings or provide plasters.
- Please remember to bring a drink everyday - water is recommended.
- Reading books are changed on Thursday.
- Homework is set on Wednesday and due in on Monday.
Home learning
Curriculum overview
Termly overview
English Treasured Text
We are using this book as a stimulus for our narrative writing.
Story time
We will be reading Twisted Tales
Our significant author this half term is Mini Grey
In science we have been exploring our outdoor environment by carrying out a nature treasure hunt.
In Design and Technology we have been learning about how puppet are made. We have learned to sew using running stitch and over stitch. We designed and made our own hand puppets.

Easter Bonnet Parade 2024
Home Learning Look at the castles we made at home as part of our castles topic. Can you spot the working drawbridge? Well done to all of the children that completed the home learning challenges this half term.
We visited Tamworth Castle
Read our dragon poems. We used similes
In science we have been learning about plants. We removed the seeds from tomatoes, peppers, apples and an avocado. We planted the seeds and made predictions as to which one we thought would germinate first.