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Year 4

Class Teachers: 

4H: Miss Holl (Phase Lead)

4D: Mr Drury


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Follos and Miss Robbins

Useful Information for year 4


PE days are a Monday (Indoors) and a Tuesday (Outdoors). Please ensure earrings are removed or covered for PE days and their hair is tied back. 


Homework is set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. 

Homework might include reading, maths, SPaG, Writing and times tables.


Termly Overview

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

Our English Text for Autumn is

Our Whole Class Story is...

Mosaic Art with Rachael Hawkins

History Homework on WW2

Trip to the Theatre - Beauty and The Beast

Purple Mash Parent Workshop - 4H

4H School Council Posters

Useful Links

Click the image below for each website.