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School Council

Welcome to our school council


At Old Church C of E Primary school, we respect and value the fundamental British values of democracy and ensure the views and opinions of our pupils are expressed. At our school all pupils are offered to stand for school council, and we take a fair approach for the voting system. All candidates are voted for fairly and democratically by their peers.

Our school council representatives


School Council Planning Document 2023/24

Our School Council worked with Cadmus Inclusive to discuss what Inclusive meant at Old Church.

Our big project


Sensory garden

During our school council discussions we have decided to create a sensory garden within school grounds to promote health and well-being. The children have decided what they would like in the garden and the impact it has on the children.


Our school council members have collated the suggestions and created a mood board based on the ideas.

The Sensory Garden is a big project and we are carrying this project over to 2023/24. We have got a new pond and a new Outdoor classroom but we need to plant flowers and herbs to make it smell beautiful.

Our School Disco

We held a school disco and it was so much fun. Nearly the whole school came and we could buy drinks and chocolate. We had a real DJ and lights. We raised over £400.


After a few meetings with school council we have all decided the best way to raise money for our sensory garden is to hold a school disco for all key stages.



Entry for our disco is £1 and we will be selling snacks/refreshments. Children can bring up to the amount of £3.


Our school disco raised over £400!!

Our meeting with our local MP Valerie Vaz

Have you got a good idea?

If you have any ideas you would like to share, please email and we will discuss these at the next School Council Meeting. Thank you!